Admission Procedures

Chemistry Bachelor Program (English)

Chemistry (English program) 

BC program “Chemistry” (language of instruction – English) is an analogy of a joint program of San Diego State University and Tbilisi State University, implemented at TSU since 2015. The program is developed based on standards and requirements of American Chemical Society and National Center for Education Quality Enhancement of Georgia. Certification of American Chemical Society (ACS) is underway, which is a highly reputable and one of the oldest professional unions. Educational program is created with consideration of all theoretical and practical courses that are necessary to obtain relevant qualification. The program also contains diverse general education subjects. The program is targeted to Georgian and foreign students.

Objectives of the program are set according to the Mission of TSU, its strategic plan, and ACS certification standards. It describes field characteristics developed by TSU Department of Chemistry and set out in ACS certification requirements. Local and international market tendencies are also considered. 

Goals of BC Program in Chemistry are as follows:

Prepare specialists with high level of knowledge of main fields of Chemistry (and biochemistry) for further professional and research activities;

 Have skills for communication, showing own knowledge and work, diverse general education and ability to perform tasks undertaken efficiently and sense of responsibility.

Program Learning Outcomes:

Knowledge and understanding:

After completion of the program the graduates will be able to:

 Formulate key facts, concepts and principles of basic fields of chemistry (general, non-organic, analytic, biochemistry, physical chemistry)

 Describe functions and design of chemical tools

 Classify material, its composition and changes from microscopic to macroscopic scale.


 Work effectively and safely in the laboratory

 Work on projects of different type in groups as well as individually

 Demonstrate own knowledge orally as well as in a written manner.

Responsibility and autonomy:

Independently plan and implement chemical experiments

 Describe conducted laboratory work or research

 Critically analyze modern theories and information in chemistry to resolve problems identified

 Carry out professional work with high level of responsibility.

Since the program is an analogy of the program implemented in San Diego State University for 5 years in Georgia and several decades in san Diego State University in the USA, given structure is feasible for achieving program outcomes. Program outcomes respond to the qualification to be granted – BCs in chemistry. Qualification be granted is defined in accordance to updated learning field classifiers.

Program Management:

Study program Head(s) / Coordinator(s): Dr. Giorgi Jibuti

Date of Program approval by Academic Council, Date of enactment: #61/2019

Enaunctment date of study program (academic year): 2020

Program Title: Undergraduate Educational program Chemistry-Biochemistry (English program)

Awarded qualification: Bachelor of Science in Chemistry 

Duration and Volume of Program in Credits: Program duration is 4 academic years or 8 semesters and includes 240 ECTS credits;

Language of Education program: English

Tuition fees: annually 10,000 GEL (5,000 GEL per semester)

Head of the Program: Dr. Giorgi Jibuti

Admission Requirements:

  • Application form 
  • Secondary school certificate translated into Georgian language and attested by notary;
  • Passport copy translated into Georgian Language and attested by notary;
  • Proof that Chemistry and English language courses were passed at school

Send your application and all required documents to the following email addresses: 

After submitting documents, candidates should be invited for the video interview by skype to confirm efficient knowledge of the English language.

In case of any questions regarding the admission procedures, please contact Admission Coordinato

Procedures for International Student Admission at TSU Bachelors Program

Natural and Exact Science Department with close coordination of the TSU administration ensures immediate responses and consultations regarding admission procedures for international applicants. For this purposes the International Admission Coordinator together with program director ensures step by step guidance and procedures for applicants.

International applicant’s admission process includes 10 main steps: 

Step 1. Contact international Admission Coordinator directly by email

Step 2. Feel the TSU application form   and send the signed form and passport copy to the Admission Coordinator;

Step 3. Coordinator will arrange online interview for you and let you know about interview instruction time and password to be connected on the platform;

Step 4. Interview with the department/university representatives;

Step 5. Admission Coordinator will inform you about results of interview process and sends the TSU offer letter;

Step 6. You need to provide translated passport and education documentation to the coordinator for Ministry Admission, and you should apply to the Ministry of Education and Science of Georgia for Ministry Admission.

Step 7. In case applicant needs help to higher the translation and legalization of education documents in Georgia, she/he should contact service providers in Tbilisi and pay documentation service fee in the range 200 - 250 EURO.

Step 8. Coordinator will send to you the TSU contract. You should sign and send it back to the coordinator. Based on the signed contract TSU rector’s Order on your admission will be issued.

Step 9. After Rector’s order, you should pay (TSU Account) tuition fees for the first semester,

Step 10. As soon as we get confirmation from the TSU finance department on your payment, we will send the official Letter of Invitation and your student status will be reflected on the National Student Registry of Georgia, which will allow you to apply for student VISA in Georgia Embassy.

Take into account that international student admission in Georgia from Application, Admission and Visa procedures needs at least two - three month time period before the semester starts.

Dr. Nino Chubinidze will coordinate and advise international applicants regarding international student admission procedures at TSU Computing Bachelors Program and guide them to complete admission steps. 

Contact information Admission Coordinator: by email or by Viber/WhatsApp/Messenger: +995 599 776387.